At night all the horrors become one, you will see the ghost of the past, no matter how long that was. The spectral energy has gone overboard and if not stopped, this energy will bring chaos and mystery to those unfortunate to come across it, the evil is waiting to be set free
Your goal is to make the spirits that remain to be set free and prevent more damage to innocents.
Some rooms are locked. But there is an entrance, think outside the box.

The candlelight flickers as you enter the main hall; the ballroom connects to the rest of the house, no other way to go but there.

As the doll burns, the ashes surround you, and the heart of the doll takes you to the nursery

Oz is that you?

You are in the bed chambers. The distorted woman cries before you.
"My children, my children."
"He killed all my children, and the other man came and killed again,
only death is here."

"Their spirits are one now, destroy them all, destroy them like they destroyed us"


You are now in the bathroom
There is something written on the walls:"Rosalind and Samuel, rotting in the trash"There is a body bag in the tub, moving.
Good, they deserve it, and worse.

The man
The amalgamation of Duke Cecil and Wilton Wilkes, stands before you, screaming in pain, it is too much pain for it to notice you.
In front of you is the heart.

Its a brainPerphaps it knows anwers.

Hello Sweetie

Over here...

The hand dragged you down from the ceiling you are now in the library.
"Return the book," she says in a flat voice

At the end stands a creature, the spirit guiding you has left.
The essence of this creature is extremely strong.

"Then get me the book"
You were transported to a different room, blood dripping from the ceiling, it's dark but by the layout, you believe it to be in the cellar.You can hear the tingling of bottles, broken wine bottles make the rest of the floor covered in broken glass, only the stairs are untouched.
The creature lets you pass.
You walk past the mansion's hallways and find yourself in the ballroom.
You can sense one is an illusion.

"Mr. Piggy can set the girl and her family free."

Do not be deceived, I can show you the truth of this place.I am Arise, let me save you.

Mr. Piggy takes you to the end of the room, protecting you from the illusions.
An old record playing a song about farm animals, you check out the other disks.

Rosemary took you to the garden, you are running in the dark.You can see the silhouette of the ice room in the distance, it is better to go inside than to get lost here.